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The smallest true asymmetric, fully integrated cove lighting system. Compose is the only system that can illuminate open plan spaces with indirect, volumetric, and glare-free light. It provides enough foot-candles in the work plane (30" A.F.F.) to allow occupants to perform tasks without the need for auxiliary downlights. The simplicity of the plug-and-play Compose lighting module works in virtually any space geometry and comes in 12", 18", and 48" lengths.

Luminaires can be configured linearly, around corners, or in curved arrangements, and both inside and outside corner units are available for continuous, striation-free light. The accompanying range of prefabricated mountings eliminates the need for standard coves, which reduces installation time and cost while keeping the form factor to a minimum.


Thanks to the embedded electronics, Compose provides a range of Dynamic warm technologies (Dim-to-Warm, Dimcandescent, and Sunset-Dim), along with a Tunable-with-Color Demand system that enables users to select the dynamic range of the tunability suitable for specific projects without power penalties.

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Product Spotlight Linear lighting
Products Behind Projects
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