An Intelligent Motor with Internal Shade System Diagnostics -
There’s a reason IQ is in the product name: It has precision-control electronics and MechoNet™ all inside one shade tube. MechoNet is our advanced communications system that provides shade control across a large network. The IQ2-DC motor is so advanced it will even alert building managers to potential maintenance issues before it creates an interruption in shade functionality or downtime preventing shade damage, wear and tear and reducing repair costs. 

Engineered for Power, Enhanced for Motorized Solar Shade Performance -
The IQ2-DC has the largest lift capacity in its class, capable of raising roller shades  as large as 600 sq. ft. This means bigger single or coupled shades can be lifted with a low-voltage (24VDC) motor, more than our competition. IQ2-DC is the only UL- motor solution on the market, capable of integrating with building lighting, A/V, and HVAC management  systems. It makes commercial  motorized shade installation straightforward, eliminating expensive electrical components or electrician time.  WhisperShade IQ2-DC provides users with unparalleled performance and  efficiency.

Almost Inaudible, a Motorized Shade System Without Distraction -
WhisperShade IQ2-DC is particularly ideal in library, education, and healthcare facilities, but can also benefit hospitality and workplace environments. This smart  shade motor operates at only 38dB, quieter than the sound of a light summer rain, ideal where silence is required. Mecho is the only commercial  window shade company that offers an entire motor line that is whisper quiet and low voltage.  Choose WhisperShade  IQ2-DC when you need a motorized shading system that is intelligent, quiet, and powerful.


